Products & Services

Trusted Forex Solutions

F-Wise partners with reliable institutions & third parties to deliver the best forex intermediary services & rates four our clients.

  • Structure trades for customers using futures and options, addressing financial risks and market risks, in order to limit customer exposure to these risks.
  • Place customers in a position to react to changes in the market environment immediately through the DIRO (API) system and its own built in risk management tools
  • Use market instruments and skills within the company to limit customer exposure to forex market volatility.
  • Keep customers informed of changing trends and shifts in the fundamental picture by providing daily market reports.
  • F-wise Capital (Pty)Ltd has developed risk analysis software that fully report on all of the risk elements associated with forex positions held in the futures market. It graphically displays the Delta, Vega, Gamma and Theta and it collates the clients’ total position, futures, options.
  • F-wise Capital (Pty) Ltd has a dedicated team of futures traders that include personnel that has traded this market since its inception.
  • F-wise Capital is constantly developing new hedging products utilizing the listed products on the exchange and tailoring these products to our client’s needs.
  • F-wise Capital (Pty) Ltd has revolutionized the South African forex markets by greatly increasing the level of access that the various role-players have to the futures & options markets through our various trading systems; Avvento, DIRO (API), Landobyte.
  • Our DIRO (API) is used by clients all over the world and widely used within the SA industry by most of the major banks and Co-ops.
  • Avvento is our mobile application that allows users to trade on all JSE derivative markets, on a web-based application, from anywhere in the world while the markets are open.

As a Forex Intermediary Service Provider, F-wise Capital has managed through various strategic contract negotiations and partnership arrangements, to secure the best possible forex spot settlement rates for its clients, giving access to the banks, in order to process physical payments/receipts in foreign currency.


F-Wise Capital is also able to open bank accounts directly with the banks on behalf of its clients, and to transfer monies abroad for investors, through their own personal bank accounts (opened by F-Wise).

Administration and Finance

F-wise Capital currently has the necessary administrative and financial control systems in place to ensure effective administration of its operations as well as compliance with requirements set by its external auditors as well as the regulator, namely the JSE. F-Wise Capital has both internal and external compliance officers to ensure appropriate compliance within the various markets it operates.

Futures & Options Trading

Trading of futures, hedging and swaps.
This is done by 10 traders specializing in the various disciplines.

Trading forex spot.
This is done by 3 traders focused solely on the forex markets.

Technical Support

F-wise Capital currently provides technical support to all its customers with regards to market conditions, price forecasts and other technical information.

This is done through personal consultation between F-wise Capital and customers, conferences, seminars, information supplied on the F-wise Capital website ( as well as daily market reports.